Welcome to the travel bloggers page of Travelcows.com. At this page you will meet our bloggers from Australia.

Meet our travel bloggers

About Martin

Hi I’m Martin, currently living in Darwin (Australia). As a real finance man I am the budget coach of Travelcows.com. In my daily work I am therefore mainly concerned with financial matters, so I often try to arrange things as economically as possible in my private life. This is where my budget tips come from. As much comfort as possible for as little money as possible! My love for travel mainly consists of getting to know new cultures and seeing and experiencing new cities and beautiful nature. I can enjoy a beer in a cozy pub, but also an endless view from a mountain top.

About Jesper

Hi I’m Jesper, 32 years old and living in Darwin (Australia). Exploring the world is something I love to do. My love for travel is huge. Discovering other cultures, being surprised by impressive landscapes, I love it! I like to be on a journey with my camera in my hands, to capture the most beautiful places in Australia and the world. On this travel blog I share my travel experiences with you. Will you travel with me?

We are the Travelcows - Travel blog in Australia
We are the Travelcows – left: Martin, right: Jesper

All travel bloggers do their best to get the best possible and fairest possible image of the visited countries, tested travel gear and the experienced adventures. The reporters are, of course, also open to questions and comments. Adventurous greetings, team of Travelcows.com!